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actually we got two source code of AOA protocol dedicated to stm32f429 and stm32f407 board but we want to implment AOA protocol in latest hal library . for that i want some helpold source code link below i...
Hii purchased STEVAL-SPIN3202 according to the manual i install MCSDK_Y workbench software . i did all possible configuration but i unable to generate the code .when i open motor profile no i am not able to select the STEVAL-SPIN3202 BOARD . and i al...
hello allcurrently i am working on Free RTOS (STM32L152RETX microcontroller ) . in stmcubemx no any one feature to implement the any protocal like TCP/ip etc is there any possiblities to implement this protocal by using STM32L152RETx microcontrolleri...