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HiI am a little bit lost on this particular discovery board. I connect it via CN7 (STLink V2 connector), and jumper settings are as supposed. The user guide says that LD6 should be red, and LD5 should be green. LD6 blinks red, and LD5 is constantly g...
HiI am curious to know about the differences in arm-none-eabi-*** provided by ARM and the same arm-none-eabi-*** that comes with STM32CubeIDE.What/where are the differences? In particular, I am curious about the libc.a and the libc_nano.aI performed ...
Hi,I know the question has been asked before, and there is some information (to some extent) on the internet, though I cannot seem to make it happen. My question is:How can I use print() for debugging purpose? I have an UART peripheral up and running...
Hiso I am trying to get the UART2 on my STM32G031K8Tx up and running. RefManual shows in Chapter 5.4.21 a CCIPR register (Peripherals independent clock configuration register), where bits 2-3 relate to the USART2.When looking at the device specific h...
HiI know that this is probably a brain fart on my side, but I am currently playing around with the NUCLEO-G031K8 and cannot seem to put the MCU into reset using the reset button on the Nucleo board. In fact, I am running a simple GPIO LED toggle prog...
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