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Forum Posts

Transfer Error (invalid Data) with USART1 & DMA

Hello,I setup USART1 using DMA with a STM32G071 & using HAL lib.Currently, i try to send uint8_t TxBuffer[7]={0x16,0x07,0x98,0x09,0x00,0x00,1B}.Transfert is done using HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&huart1, &TxBuffer[0], 7) and i have well manage the require...

RBarr.1 by Associate II
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No 2020 STM32 wishlist

This is probably the promised replacement.[Edit 2023] Link above lead to Ideas, a section mostly ignored by ST (TouchFX crew being exception) and ultimately removed together with content i.e. user wishes when migrating to Khoros [/EDIT] Pity. It's be...

Resolved! Can anyone tell me how to configure external interrupts on stm32f103c8t6? is there anything wrong, my IRQHandler is not functioning properly...(actually, i wanted my LED(PA1) to glow when i interrupted it with push button(PB3) but it is not doing so...?

#include "stm32f10x.h"void EXTI3_IRQ_IRQHandler(void){ if(EXTI->PR & EXTI_PR_PR3) { EXTI->PR |= EXTI_PR_PR3; GPIOA-> BRR |= GPIO_BRR_BS1; }}int main(void){ RCC ->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN;   //LED(OUTPUT PIN)(PA1) GPIOA->CRL &= ~(GPIO_CRL_CNF1); ...

Generate PWM N-Pulses with each different Pulse width

We need to trigger camera by using PWM with different trigger delay for each photo. i.e trigger the camera at 100ms, 120ms, 150ms, 200ms, 210ms, 240ms, 260ms, 280ms, 300ms, 350ms for taking 10 photos at each cycle and this cycle repeats. Is it pos...

TShet by Associate II
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arm_sqrt_f32 and arm_math.h

Hi, I'm using Cube and Makefile.I'd like a clearer run through of how to make use of the sqrt f32 function in arm_math.h.. The header doco says to copy the header to Include, done.. Then link the Lib for big/little endian. Here's where I'm stuck, how...

d4 by Associate III
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We are using HAL library for F215xx and F746xx MCUs. We found difference for CAN driver within HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage() function for setting the RTR (remote transmission request) register. Are more detailed information about sFIFOMailBox availalbe?

stm32f2xx HAL library version 1.8.0 & 1.9.0pHeader->RTR = (CAN_RI0R_RTR & hcan->Instance->sFIFOMailBox[RxFifo].RIR);stm32f7xx HAL library version 1.14.0 & 1.15.0pHeader->RTR = (CAN_RI0R_RTR & hcan->Instance->sFIFOMailBox[RxFifo].RIR) >> CAN_RI0R_RTR_...

PDell by Associate
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