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Forum Posts

Resolved! Fault when casting from char* to uint64_t*

In my code, I write many casting from char* to uint64_t*. Someone success, and someone get failure. I thought I used the unallocated memory, but I rewrote by casting to uint32_t, and then no error happened. Is this normal?My code:--------------------...

Ellaine by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F469i Source Code for Demo Firmware

Hello all,I recently purchased the STM32F469i Discovery Board, and have loaded the compiled demo binary from the ST website onto the board. It loads properly, but now I want to see how the software works. Is there any source code for the demo firmwar...

TLian.11 by Associate II
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STM32F767 QUAD SPI with DMA2

I'm using STM32F767 and external flash is interfaced on QUADSPI, I've referred STM32746G-Discovery code for QSPI without DMA and its working fine. I want to implement QSPI using DMA, STM32F767 supports QSPI over DMA on channel 3 and stream 7 so did c...

AShel.1 by Associate III
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Can't wake from stop mode with low power timer event

Hello everyone,I'm having problems with a STM32L010K8 in stop mode.I'm trying to use the low power timer clocked by the LSI and having it to wake up the device from stop mode once the timer reaches ARR value.I configured the EXTI event line 29 and de...

Kraal by Senior III
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stm32L5 SDMMC interface as memory card

Moin, is it possible to run the stm32L5 Series mcus (or other stm32s) not in SDMMC host mode, but be used like a normal SDcard for storage?I looked over the documentation and only found host mode descriptions. I feel like I missed some details, so gr...

ChrisP by Associate II
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Problems with Initialisation of LSM6DSM and LSM303AGR during debugging of SENSORTILE (STM32L476JG) with on-Board ST-LINKV2/1 of Nucleo-F401RE

Hello all =)I am pretty much a beginner with STM32 microcontrollers and facing some, at least for me, elusive problems during debugging of the controller.I am working with the SENSORTILE, so the STM32L476JG controller, which is soldered onto the crad...

AGans.1 by Associate
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