Is the failing address register (FAR) of the RAMECC monitor an absolute or relative address?. In other words, for SRAM3 for example would FAR contain 0x3004xxxx or 0x0000xxxx?
What would cause the LR register to be misaligned?I occasionally get an UNALIGNED exception running Ethernet (lwIP). I suspect the DMA but I implemented as it is in the example and the
After causing a watchdog reset RCC->RSR is showing as 0. I didn't think that was a valid value unless a jump was performed. I check RSR first thing so nothing should be clearing the bits by setting RMVF bit. Other types of reset seem to work. I haven...
Programming bank2 of an STM32H743 starting at 0x0810000 leaves a section unprogrammed between 0x08100040 and 0x08100800. Programming bank 1 works fine.Using the UI and the CLI version 2.4.0 via the UART. I'm pretty sure I don't have any security bits...
My STM32H743 SPI interrupt handler is being repeatedly called even though the interrupt enable register (IER) is 0. I'm running in slave mode and probably doing something really wrong for this to happen. Here are the register values:Name Value Ac...
ST was no help. By pulling PA11 (USB_DM) high the blank chip did NOT go into the USB bootloader and we were able to access the UART bootloader. So, it looks like it is just looking for a static state of pins PA11 and PA12. Not ideal, but should be do...
Ahh ok. That helps. So if it just a matter of DP going low a short while after reset, assuming DM is already low, than I can see how our design might be going into the USB bootloader. I'll try to get more info from ST. Thanks!
Thanks Jan. Will the chip go into the USB boot loader if it detects a certain pin state (or single toggle) on DM (PA11) and DP (PA12) or does it require a more complicated transaction?
How does the chip detect a USB cable? Is it just looking for a simple high or low state on boot or is it looking for a packet? The USB spec seems to inidcate it just looks at DP and DM ( "A connect condition will be detected when the hub dete...