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Hello experts,I am using a stm32F446RET6 (HAL and C) and I am using the PA1 input pin for receiving a serial stream with the TIM2 Channel for frequency and logic detection. This Input capture timer works perfectly. But prior to decode the stream I fi...
Dear experts,i try to use the float library with printf or vsnprintf. The option nano has been checked, the -u _printf_float too. The latest version of STM32cubeIDE, the proc is STM32F446RE. The value of floats are correctly displayed in debug but i...
Dear experts,My SanDisk Extreme 32GB V30 MicroSD HC 1 is not recognized by HAL.... SDIO 4 bits .Stay stuck in the SD_Init...Is that SD card not compatible with the standard implemented in HAL and the MCU ? Time is short and I cannot dig in the lower...
Hi everybody,With a 4 bits SDIO and stm32f446RE i can read and write data from SD using the FatFs lib, no problem. Ths Sd card is a sanDisk Ultra 8GB (10) MicroSd HC1 class1461. using 512bytes transfers (sector size), the write speed is not so amazin...
Hello dear experts,Reading the ST literature abour QuadSpi, I noticed that they only mention the flash as available peripheral chips on the QuadSPI Ibus. i would like to increase the amount of RAM on the stm32F446RE to create a buffer when writing to...
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