cpu stm32L0x, how to visist these peipherals like i2c, uart, spi through dma and cpu? how to be more effective?
Hello,I'm trying to connect J link ultra+ debugger to STM32F7xx target board. debugger is new(received yesterday) and I'm using it for first time. I can see it is detected in device manager as J link driver under USB. In STM32cubeIDE I've selected se...
Dear Sir/Madam,I am going to use one of the chips from STM32 H7 family in my project (My tool-chain: STM32CUBEIDE and STM32CubeMX).In my project,I have to transfer large data bytes from SDcard to internal RAM of the micro-controller very rapidly and ...
Hi,I am working on CAN on STM32F103C8T6. I am using a Callback Function of (HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback) but soon after receiving message code hangs in Callback Function even though no data sent afterwards it.I am not getting the reason. Becaus...
Last year I had a production run (built in China) of a board that uses a STM32F427 - 100 pin.This last spring I had another production order built (Feb to May) and the behavior of the part seems to be having timing related issues - same firmware.I to...
Bonjour,How to see what percentage of CPU is used on a stm32h7 when a program is running?Ulysse
Im enable pwm output TA1, TA2 and try enable burst mode with changeble BMCMP and BMPER. Im change this registers and try update from timer triggers and software trigger, but pwm output set one burst state and doesnt change. Pwm burst state is updated...