Stm32f072 external interrupts more than one
In my project am using A mcu , and wanted to use pA0 and Pc13 as two interrupt.But interrupt for pA0 is not coming and Pc13 is coming.Please help to know the cause.Rohit+91-8141616356
In my project am using A mcu , and wanted to use pA0 and Pc13 as two interrupt.But interrupt for pA0 is not coming and Pc13 is coming.Please help to know the cause.Rohit+91-8141616356
I've tried using IAR and the Segger Flasher to program an STM32G070. However, neither programmer will reset the MCU, so that I do not need to cycle power to run the just-download code? I've seemingly tried every type of Reset. What am I missing?
i use the stm32h750b-dk\demonstrations\toughgfx\mdk-arm\project.uvproj perform assembly, no issue. then perform Download, i increase the ram for alogorithm size, and add MT25L01G_STM32H750B-Disco, erase - > programming - > verify. All OK, no issue. b...
I have a configuration where I have 24 single-ended ADC channels distributed on all three ADC channels.I have not found any example how to read more than one channel.All channels should be read every 20ms, so there's enough time. But I don't know if ...
Hello,I am working on a motor control application with the NUCLEO-G431 and STEVAL-CTM009V1 boards. I try to generate the code by using control workbench, but it's doesn't work. I got an error '' over-current FW protection not supported by power s...
Hi,Am using Iar IDE for stm32f072rbt6 mcu, please help to know how to check if me controllers ram and ROM and data memory is filled to what level.Also I want to check,if my heap and stack memory is filled or not?Please share how to check, how muc...
What are your recommendations for learning to code and configure peripherals and also learn the architecture of the Microcontroller??
I have a prototyping project to make a wheeled-robot maneuver with LIDAR using SLAM algorithm. So, can I use a Nucleo-board to control a LIDAR device with embedded ROS without the need of a SBC like Raspberry Pi? Please refer to the image attached.
I am using the NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q board to check the cycle counts for some of the CMSIS DSP library functions and getting unexpected results. I am comparing against ST AN4841 benchmarks and getting over 2.5 times more cycles than the Cortex-M4 in the a...
Good afternoonConfigured TIM1 of a F070CBT6 to drive 3 PWM channels on PA8/PA) and PA10....PA9 and PA10 work fine..only for channel 1 I don't see any output..furthermore it seems to be floating as when touching with a finger the attached 7406 driver ...