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LL_RTC_WaitForSynchro function in LL drivers

Hi,While using STMCube Drivers version 1.24 for STM32F4 processor, I discovered the following:LL_RTC_WaitForSynchro function that waits for RTC Shadow registers to be updated, often times returns error on timeouts. The timeout values set is 1 second....

RBharol by Associate III
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Execute nLog(n) algorithm in real time

Hey,I am planning an algorithm that needs to work in Real time.The system includes an ADC that samples in rate of 5Msps and the interface with the CPU is 80MHz in SPI.From  primary calculation the running time Complexity is O(n log n), and the result...

Pkats.1 by Associate II
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Keil uvision

hi everyone, i would like to know if anyone has faced the same probleme : so i'm working with keil uvison5, i have build usart2 (PA2-->Tx / PA3-->Rx), everything works, and the message is printed correctly in the serial monitor, but when i'm trying t...

SIDRI.1 by Associate III
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How to defined Data content inside a Lib but not used by the lib and link this data in Flash memory where i want ? See detail description for more informations

Hello,I try to construct a project but i don't achieve to do what i want.My MCU is an STM32G070CB an I use MDK Essential 5.28 (Flex) Version: with Compiler V6.12.I explain my need :In my projet, my memory space is coomposed of a boot part an...

NLE F.1 by Associate II
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overwritting existing data in the flash memory

Hello,I have never done this so please be patient haha - I need to store around 10 float numbers into the flash memory - I will do this in the last memory sector. The problem that I have is that I can write & read to the flash but if i want to overwr...

retro by Associate III
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Dividing flash sectors on stm32f746

Hi,Is there any way to divide flash sectors into smaller parts? I have to store data into the flash and want to be able to delete it when I want. Currently, I am using two sectors for that purpose and when I want to erase some data copying whole data...

STM32 Secure boot firmware keys

Hi,I am looking to implement a secure boot system into an application. My product will only be updated OTA.I understand that when a firmware is written i need to hash it and create a digest and then sign it and add it to the hex file payload.Along wi...

CEagl.1 by Associate III
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Internal PU/PD setting on PA8 of STM32G070RB

Hi,Now, we use STM32G070RB.Please let me make clear about internal PU/PD resistor setting on PA8.Although we set internal PU res from GPIOA_PUPDR, measured voltage is near 0V at this port.We found this is because the PD res that is set by SYSCFG_CFGR...

FYUJI.1 by Associate II
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