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hi there,I have a stm32H743iit6 and I wish to write a uint32_t array in it flash. I use sector 6 to 7 of Bank1 to write my array to. first I fill my array with number of 0 to 69 like so for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++)//10 { flash_buffer_W[i]=i; }  a...
Hello thereI wanted to learn STemwin fully using the free version of emwin which bought by ST. I used "User Guide and Reference Manual" to learn. I have 2 questions:is there any online tutorials with videos that I can use to understand the features b...
hi there. I have a stm32 microcontroller which is ran using HSE. the crystal is 11.0592MHz. the code is simple and is about reading some GPIO_Input and send and receive via UART. so far good and simple. this board is actually a relay card. it has 8 r...
I have a stm32f030c8t6. I want to enable its ADC1 interrupt. in CubeMX, when I enable ADC DMA, there is no section where I can configure RANK. in the generated program, in stm32f0xx_it.c, I can see two functions belowvoid DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler(voi...
Hi there,I have a STM32L431RCT6 microcontroller. I wish to write some data on it. let's say I want to write 2 at 0x08009000 is my code#define FLASH_USER_START_ADDR ((uint32_t)0x08009000) #define FLASH_USER_END_ADDR ((u...