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I am currently use STM32F429ZI cpu with Nucleo board well I need smaller shape types of this.does ST have another board with this F429ZI CPU ?
Hello, I am using STM4F429ZI with nucleo boardI would like make my own custom board, not a nucleo 32 .My own board has 16-bit ADC component named ABS8584, for better measure adc data.In that case, What is the fastest way to make my CPU(STMF4) bring d...
I am very new to use hal_usartTransmit_it because I use only usart_transmit() , which is the blocking mode.I changed all of my transmit() code to transmit_it() for better performance, but after that my ble send message only shows buffer's first lette...
I am making L031K6 mcu sensor. This sensor regulary sense some adc data then send the data to Android device by BLE.and I am using HAL_UART_Transmit() for sending message to android by BLE.but when android is missing, my MCU runs bad. so I guess HAL_...
I get 12bit ADC data from DMA multi channel.and when I get it , I use this formula to get ADC measure.​adc input (0-4095) * 3300 / 4095 ​but This result usually have different from real measurement, about 100-200mV.In that case, Is there better way t...