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Forum Posts


I am using STM32F407 Discovery Board and I'm generating my project using MX Cube   I'm doing testing on I2C sensor that is MLX 640 which is used for taking thermal image , so basically we are are reading frames of thermal image via I2C on every 1 sec...

Djain.1 by Associate II
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LSE clock start-up problem

Hi, i'm trying to use the LSE clock with the RTC but it doesn't start until i make a state reset or run the code under debug mode.I have read all other posts of LSE problems in the forum and found a lot of info, almost everything related with hardwar...

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TOrdó.1 by Associate
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Use timer`s chain to generate N impulse`s

I do some serial interface clock with timers chain on stm32f407.Thats work, but generate little bit lower count of impulses. where is my trouble? len is about 16 384, overall pulse count len*16.I miss about 200*16=3200 pulses.Thank You!TIM2->PSC=0;  ...

AlexKeisy by Associate III
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Real time debugger needed

Hi, Currently i am using STM32L082CZ processor and debugger tools as ST-LINK V2 B2019-51.When I enter debug mode, it will update the status/flag/watch variable upon reach breakpoints. The debugger window show on Keil won't update during run time, i...

JChew.1 by Associate II
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Strange behavior of PWM

Hello,​I​ am observing a strange behaviour of the first few PWM pulses after a change in duty cycle. I use HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop, HAL_TIM_ConfigChannel (with the changed Pulse) and then HAL_TIM_PWM_Start. What happens is that for around 1 millisecond the ...

JWilk.1 by Associate II
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External interrupts

The line where the external interrupt is set  SYSCFG->EXTICR [2] |= (3 << 12); I want to set it for port D pin 10. How the masking and unmasking is done for port D?

Nmv1608 by Associate II
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STM32F103RCT6 HSE and LSE Crystal selection

Hi,I am designing a st board for the first time. First, we made all the improvements on the blue pill, which is STM32F103C8T6. When this wasn't enough, we switched to STM32F103RCT6.I am currently drawing a schematic of this card and was confused in ...

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Meyup by Associate II
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