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Forum Posts

Why can not change DBGMCU->CR in STM32F103

I'm use STM32F103C8T6. I use DBGMCU->CR = DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_IOEN to change the value of DBGMCU->CR, but the operation is failed after POR, the register is alway read 0.I suspect that the cause of this problem is the the debug component is not be powere...

Bpan.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Slow ADC with DMA

Hi guys,I'm using STM32F767 nucleo with STM32Cubeide. I've configured an ADC to operate with DMA at a sample rate of 1.8Msps. I've calculated this sample speed by:HCLK = 216MHzPCLK2 = 108MHzPrescaler of 4 : ADCCLK = 27MHzResolution (12bits + 3)Theref...

CDyer.1 by Senior
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obtain the data from camera for cmsis-nn

Hi, I want to do a computer vision application on stm32f407VG discovery board. I have an CNN code with cmsis-nn library. My challange is that Using the camera datas as an input. But i need rgb data as 1 dimentional array. How can save the image in a...

FÇeli.1 by Associate
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GDB loading of STM32F072 device

Occasionally debug gets stuck while loading and never gets to main with the console showing:Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.0xfffffffe in ?? ()Once in this mode, the only way to recover is to use the STM32CubeProgrammer to clear the target ...

CScho.1 by Associate
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