2020-09-24 3:37 AM
I am working with mbedOS and I am trying to set up filtration of CANFD messages. There is a function which is performing all configurations.
int can_filter(can_t *obj, uint32_t id, uint32_t mask, CANFormat format, int32_t handle)
FDCAN_FilterTypeDef sFilterConfig = {0};
if (format == CANStandard) {
sFilterConfig.IdType = FDCAN_STANDARD_ID;
} else if (format == CANExtended) {
sFilterConfig.IdType = FDCAN_EXTENDED_ID;
} else { // Filter for CANAny format cannot be configured for STM32
return 0;
sFilterConfig.FilterIndex = handle;
sFilterConfig.FilterType = FDCAN_FILTER_MASK;
sFilterConfig.FilterConfig = FDCAN_FILTER_TO_RXFIFO0;
sFilterConfig.FilterID1 = id;
sFilterConfig.FilterID2 = mask;
if (HAL_FDCAN_ConfigFilter(&obj->CanHandle, &sFilterConfig) != HAL_OK) {
return 0;
return 1;
This function is called twice from CAN init to accept all CAN messages by default.
int can_internal_init(can_t *obj)
if (HAL_FDCAN_Init(&obj->CanHandle) != HAL_OK) {
error("HAL_FDCAN_Init error\n");
if (can_filter(obj, 0, 0, CANStandard, 0) == 0) {
error("can_filter error\n");
if (can_filter(obj, 0, 0, CANExtended, 0) == 0) {
error("can_filter error\n");
error("HAL_FDCAN_ConfigGlobalFilter error\n");
if (HAL_FDCAN_Start(&obj->CanHandle) != HAL_OK) {
error("HAL_FDCAN_Start error\n");
return 1;
When i am trying to overwrite filter with ID 0, messageID = 0x126 and mask 0xFFF it seems that it is not applyed and i am still receiving all mesages. What could be a problem.
P.S if I am hardcoding val 0x126 and mask 0xFFF in can_filter(), then I can receive only specified message. It seems to be a problem with override of filter with ID 0.