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Hi!I'm trying to share one UART in both cores of the dual-core STM32H745. I'm using the HAL library.I've achieved to transmit (in polling mode) from the two cores using a semaphore to manage access to the UART.However, I can't receive using interrupt...
Hello,I am trying to use the ECC computation block for a NAND memory in STM32F429. The page size of my memory is 2048 bytes + 64 spare bytes.The ST32F429 Reference Manual says "The ECC algorithm implemented in the FMC can perform 1-bit error correcti...
Posted on November 13, 2017 at 13:29I have a problem with PWM generation.I have my own PCB with the uC STM32F429IIH. I am trying to configure the PWM in TIM3 channel 1. My clock frecuency is 180 MHz and APB1 Timer Clock is 90 MHz.I use STM32CubeMX t...