2020-09-23 4:40 AM
I am using STM32L072RB
MCU is in while loop of main function. with Timer6(for Blinking and LED every 2sec) and systick timer is running.
Now i call function : adc_spi_chip().
I am waiting for PA2 pin to become low
but i found that waiting for it using a while loop stops everything like systick timer
In below code , i am reading a adc chip ,first i write to start conversion and then wait for end of conversion.Sometimes EOC signal doesn't comes and my code stucks
#define SPI2_CS_LOW GPIOB->BRR = GPIO_PIN_12 ;
uint8_t data_received[26];
void spi_chip()
uint8_t *data_received_pointer;
data_received_pointer = &data_received[0];
if((HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi2,(uint8_t *)&conversion_register_buffer,sizeof(conversion_register_buffer),500))!=HAL_OK)
flag_eoc_check = 1;
if(flag_eoc_check == 0)
break ;
void SysTick_Handler(void)
if(flag_eoc_check == 1)
counter_eoc ++ ;
if(counter_eoc > 5000)
flag_eoc_check = 0 ;
counter_eoc = 0;
So as per above code , i am stuck at line 18
while((EOC_N==1) ;
waiting for input to become low
I want if EOC_N doesn't becomes low in 5 second ,ishould break the loop,so i added a flag to turn on counter in systick timer and when it gets over ,i can break loop,but i found even systick timer not incrementing (have also checked in keil software).
To resolve issue i kept a counter inside while itself and break loop when it gets over ,but for incrementing a valuefrom 0 to 65536 in whille loop takes very less time and hence i wanted to use a timer ,
What is the reason and how to resolve issue ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-09-23 11:14 PM
2020-09-23 6:19 AM
How do you know "everything stops?" Just because the loop never terminates?
flag_eoc_check should be volatile
2020-09-23 6:50 PM
i am using timer6 to blink an LED every 2sec ,but it doesn't blinks when mcu encounters above while loop.
i have checked on watch window of keil software while running program in debug mode also ,counter_eoc doesn't increments during above while loop but flag_eoc_check has become 1
2020-09-23 11:14 PM
Do you call spi_chip() from an interrupt?
2020-09-23 11:20 PM
Not exactly,
But from callback function of UART
for E.g.
I type : read adc
uart interrupt happens and it calls callback function
void usart_interrupt_recepetion(char c)
and inside this callback ,i am calling spi_chip() function
2020-09-23 11:21 PM
But from callback function of UART interrupt
for E.g.
I type : read adc
uart interrupt happens and it calls callback function
void usart_interrupt_recepetion(char c)
and inside this callback ,i am calling spi_chip() function
UART also stops responding
2020-09-24 3:29 AM
issue solved , i changed uart priority to 2 and its working now,
i generated code with cubemx ,and it makes every peripherals priority as 0 .