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Forum Posts

SPI Mode for non standard sampling edges

Hi, i am currently working on a driver for a Chineese IC. The manufacturer recomends implementing SPI protocol over an FPGA, but for cost reasons we would like to use a MCU.The SPI protocol that the chip uses has the following configuration "Chip SPI...

SPI Bus Impedance

Hi guys, i am going to connect 2 STM32 via 3 SPI busses for high speed data transfer throughput (STM32H7 <-> STM32G4).The STM32G4 will be Master and the SCLK-frequency will be 84MHz - i will use the associated pins in the highest speed mode setting.I...

Albi G. by Senior
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Peripheral examples for stmf32

Deat ST Hello,This my first question to you in this forum.Does ST has peripheral examples using HAL library or standard lib for STM32f4?I am installing the packs from the pack installer from Keil.Could I adapt examples for my STM32 if ST provide a g...

STM32 TSC is not working

I am using Group1 for shield and Group 2 and Group 3 for touch keys but the after generating the code from cube mx ​there is a problem in firmware because group 3 touch is not working and touch is detecting from the shield. Please give me any solutio...

Smalik by Associate II
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Linux driver for TPM ST33TPHF2ESPI

HelloI'm following the instruction of to setup the tpm driver on my embedded linux using ST33TPHF2ESPI tpm module. But unable get /dev/tpm0 and /dev/tpmrm0 present due to driver read spi failed...

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GChen.3 by Associate
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Implement PWM dithering 1 bit

Hi I am working on stm32f070. The STM32F0 system clock = 48MHz,I need to set the PWM frequency on 23437Hz.Therefore, PWM resolution = 48MHz / 23437Hz = 2048 (11bit)​How to use PWM dithering technique to reach 12-bit resolution on PWM frequency 23.4KH...

sam_cheng by Associate III
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