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Resolved! ADC DMA using HRTIM as trigger don't have any values

I am using NUCLEO-G474RE as my hardware.STM32CubeIDE V1.3.1 and STM32G4 Fw V1.2.0.I am using ADC2 with 4 channels triggered by HRTIM CH B Compare 4 Injected.So these 4 channels are triggered interleaved, meaning that every HRTIM-CH-B Compare 4 only o...

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Hi, I have this TFT SPI Touch Display ILI9341, program Arduino 1.6.5., and developement board STM32F103C8T6. And I need initialize the display.I have program, but all Power Mode, MADCTL Mode is 0xFF !!! on output.WHERE I HAVE PROBLEM ????? code is in deta

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // this line I have added#include "SPI.h"#include "Adafruit_GFX_AS.h"#include "Adafruit_ILI9341_STM.h"// For the Adafruit shield, these are the default.#define TFT_DC   PA0   //  (Green) #define TFT_CS   PA1   //  (Orange) #...

TZ by Associate
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How to use SPI DMA on slave

Hi, I would like use the DMA functionality for SPI on my STM32F4. But all examples I have found are calling the SPI DMA Transmit Receive function in a while loop. But what would be a better way? I think that if I call the Transmit Receive function ...

KR51K by Associate III
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Potential memory leak in SPI HAL for STM32H753

Configuring SPI for 24 bit data frames and receiving single data frames via HAL_SPI_Receive_IT (which redirects to HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT() in case bidirectional transfer is enabled), hspi->RxXferCount and hspi->RxXferSize are both set to the val...

MNagl.1 by Associate II
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Cannot get the SPI pins to toggle.

I'm using the project "SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling_Master" in P-Nucleo-WB55.Nucleo/Examples_MIX/SPI in FW version 1.6.0. Works fine on the nucleo board. I've ported it to my board which uses pins PB5, PB4, and PB3. I'm using a crystal on my board. I di...

BMart.2 by Associate II
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My board burnt or something else?

While trying to read ADC value over voltage divider I accidentally connected not divided voltage to ADC pin. That was about 10V and with burnt smell I promptly intervene and cut the connection. The board was hot but I could touch it. After that I pu...

SSone.1 by Associate III
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How to generate three level pwm for power converters?

Hello everyone, I have medium level in stm32 mcu's like using adc's, timers and also HRTIM peripheral in 32f334 and G4 series but I can't figure out the optimum way to generate three level spwm waveforms for using with NPC inverter that I'm designing...

AAlHa.1 by Associate II
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