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Hi, I need to support 6 libraries for 3-5 MCUs each, and recently I have struggled to keep up.Many users complain about bugs I thought I squashed ages ago, only for me to realize that I never updated the code for that specific MCU.Is there a way to s...
Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask this.I am trying to read data from a ADS7142 in manual mode dual channel-single ended.Communication with the chip works just fine, but when the time comes to read the data, it only returns zeroesSetup:HAL_Sta...
I would like to use the toggle UI element to switch between two paths: probe send and receive, and TCP send and receive.The rest of the pipeline should remain the same.
Hi, I'm trying to import stm32f1xx_hal.h to my static c++ library to have access to the standard types and functions.It used to work when the project was still c, but after migration it doesn't recognize the types any more, even though it doesn't fai...
Hi, I am trying to receive CAN message on a F405, but the Rx interrupt doesn't trigger. Sending works fine however.I am also in doubt about the CAN1_RX0_IRQHandlerbecause I can't find any documentation when it is triggered, the HAL manual only refers...