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Hello,I have a question regarding the external interrupt on a GPIO input pint which is triggered each falling edge (EXTI)According to the CubeMX autogenerated code, it looks straight forward. I am using a discovery board with pin PE3 which is config...
Hello,I would like to use ADC with a group of several channels (ScanMode = Enabled) along with the DMA. However, I would like to avoid to use the DMA in circular buffer mode. I have seen so far that most of the examples and external literatures are b...
Hello,I have one question regarding the ADC1/2/3 cores for the STM32H7 (dual core solution). Let's say, I would like to split few ADC channels between both ADC cores and Cortex cores. Is it possible to assin channels 1,2,3 for ADC1 core (regular grou...
Hello, is there any documentation regarding the startup on both cores as I see there are several possibilitiess to gate the other core or to let them run directly in parallel. Nevertheless, CubeMx generates a common startup file which is shared I ass...
Hello,I have few questions regarding the TIMER capabilities confgured as input capture. According to the reference manual, the direct input capture of TIMxCH1 in conjunction with a TMxCH2 which is configured as "indirect input capture mode" along ...