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How detect a rising edge ?

Hi,I have a school projet about preventive maintenance on WC. Due to the COVID-19, we no longer have access to the material, but we have to try to continue the project.We use a turbine which is connected to the water access (in the WC) and it will be...

P07 by Associate
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Low Power mode on STM32L486 with RTOS

Hi,I'm working on a custom board based on STM32L486 MCU, the microcontroller will stay most of the time in standby and will wake up using a physical button connected to SYS_WKUP3. This to say that the overall board consumption have to be as low as po...

GFavr by Associate II
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Resolved! TIMER 1 PWM Mode, What am I missing

Hi All,I want to use timer 1 for my double pulse test. To start with though I want to get it going in a simple PWM mode at first.I have gone trhough the reference amnual several times and looked at the block diagrams. I have got the registers intial...

glenn0010 by Associate III
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STM32F4 UART extra byte sent at startup

Hi all, I'm running an application where I got to initialize an UART (by interruption) transmission at power up . So I'm a initializing like this : HAL_UART_MspInit(&huart5); MX_UART5_Init();There are the basic functions from STM32 Cube MX... When th...

Nomu by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 pwm signal and reverse of it

The MCU I use is STM32F103C8 and I need 2 PWM signals that complete each other to %100 duty cycle. ( ie: PWM1=%60 and PWM2 =%40 ). When one PWM channel is high the other one needs to be low and vice versa.The important part is, these two PWM signals ...

GunkutA by Senior
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Resolved! HAL_HRTIM_IRQHandler duration is very long

Hello I have NUCLEO-G474RE running at 170Mhz (24Mhz HSE [div 6] [mul 85] [div 2]) .I am using Master and TimA $ TimC hrtimer as PWM for SMPS running at 100kHz (10uS).I want to check how much available time for me if I interrupt every period and updat...