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Hello, I'm working on STM32L051 MCU. I just wanted to enter the device to the bootloader for serial flashing via USART peripheral.Here is the simple C code to enter into the bootloader for STM32L0xx family MCU.void JumpToBootloader(void) {  void (*Sy...
Hello,I'm working on STM32l051K8 MCU with the custom board design. I just wanted to enter the device to the bootloader for serial flashing via USART peripheral. Here is the simple C code to enter into the bootloader for STM32L0xx family MCU.void Jump...
Hello, I'm having problem in ST-Link getting flash. While I'm trying to flash through Raspberry pi linux version.We are developing QR code application and I have a python script to flash to the MCU, the oython script access the directory which has a ...