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Dear all,i am facing very strange problem with sprintf function .i am using sprintf function in 1ms timer interrupt routine and it works fine. for example. void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { sprintf(uDisMsg, "%.1f", 258.6...
Hi all,i am facing issue with STM32F412's i2c. i am using i2c2 on PB9/PB10 pins. Two i2c slaves are connected on this bus. one is 24AA02E48 eeprom and second is M41T00S RTC.SDA is pulled up is 10K resistor and SCL is pulled up with 4.7K resistor.STM3...
Hello all,i am facing a problem while wokring with adc on stm32f412rgt6. i am facing problem of adc accuracy i am using 5 analog channel (ADC1_AN1, ADC1_AN10, ADC1_AN11, ADC_AN12, ADC_AN13) in discontinous mode.when i am connecting analog input pin t...
Hello all,I am working on a project which is based on stm32f103cbt7 mcu.In my project i have two freeRTOS task and 2 timer interrupts and 1 uart interrupt routine.Task 1:  handles wireless communication (it reads a buffer and if buffer has some valid...
Hi all, i am facing a problem with stm32cubeide. i copied and paste a SDK folder to project folder and it is showing there in project directory in stm32cube ide. (refer 1.png)then i added header files paths through project > properties > c/c++ genera...
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