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Code execution from SRAM of STM32H743 MCU.

Hi,1.Wanted to know does the execution time reduces(speed increases). If text segment is brought to SRAM from flash at start up and executed in STM32H743 MCU2.Wanted to know are there any optimization techniques to improve speed like using I cache ...

kgang by Associate II
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Using STM32IDE, is there any way to enter preprocessor defines, as currently when regenerating code from the 'Device Configuration Tool', any defines entered manually for the project appear to be deleted?

I'm thinking in particular about defines to influence the HAL library code e.g. USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS.Adding user defines in MX just puts them in main.h and they are not seen by the library code.

EdGi by Associate III
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SPI Half Duplex receive problem : No SCK

Dear all,I'm trying to perform a simple blocking SPI communication with a slave (TFT driver) on my STM32F769NI-disco board.I can transmit commands without any problem but I can't receiveHere is my init code called from main(): static void MX_SPI2_Ini...

STM32H742 rev V ADC BOOST bits

Hello,I use STM32H742 rev V. In contrast to rev Y register ADCx->CR has two bits BOOST. I set both, because I want the highest ADC speed. But reading ADCx->CR back, with the debugger or in the running program reports only BOOST 0 set. What is wrong t...

TIM1 Dead time not working according manual

I use TIM1 as 3 Phase PWM for motor control. I need to adjust the dead time. But the dead time is not according the manual.My code for dead time:  TIM_BDTRInitStruct.OSSRState = LL_TIM_OSSR_ENABLE;  TIM_BDTRInitStruct.OSSIState = LL_TIM_OSSI_DISABLE;...

franz2 by Associate III
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