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Forum Posts

Can I find the end of memory in a bin file?

Hello,Currently, the generated binary file is 1 MB but with 96% of '0'.Obviously, it's quite long to transfer via CAN to update the firmware, mostly for 'nothing'.I can see that the 'end' of my code is: 1000 0000 0100 0000 4078 7d01 0000 0000Is it...

ABonn.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Timer initialisation to *not* set the ARPE bit ?

I would like to know what is the correct way to disable a timer’s ARR preload function using the HAL library ? And once that’s done, does the ARPE bit stay low for the whole runtime, or does it have to be cleared again regularly or after specific eve...

pr by Associate III
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Resolved! Differential signal test via boundary scan test

I want to test differential signal on STM32F407VG discovery board using boundary scan testing. I know that this soc supports boundary scan testing but is it possible to test/measure differential signal also via same way?

Rsrma.1 by Associate III
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How to use SPI + DMA with software CS?

Hi All, I am trying to use SPI+DMA in stm32f401 nucleo 64. SPI + DMA is working successfully on both transmit and receive data. I configured spi + dma in software cs since I have multiple slaves, but that means I have to pull the gpio up and down for...

jb by Associate II
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UART NOT Transmit if there is a delay in while loop

Hi, I generated the code through CUBEMAX, using USART3 with DMA and trying to send couple of bytes by call HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA in main while(1) loop. If I add the delay after a transmission even a 1ms it stop transmitting but if I remove the delay ...

ARehm by Associate III
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