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Forum Posts

Interrupts Management

I am trying to understand the priorities, subpriorities and priority grouping in my stm32f407-Discovery.I would like to have 3 external LEDS (LD_A, LD_B, LD_C) and 3 interrupts (IT_A, IT_B, IT_C) with. IT_A has a highest priority, IT_C has the lowest...

Resolved! Problem with STM32H743 backup ram access with 16 Bit

We use the STM32H743BI.We have a problem with writing the Backup-RAM if the mapped variables size is not multiple of 32 Bit.According to the reference manual (rev. 7) the backup RAM is accessible in 32-bit, 16-bit or 8-bit data mode. (RM0433 Rev 7, p...

roland23 by Associate II
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SPI Communication with DMA transfer

Hello, i'm working with the STM32F746G-DISCO development kit. I need to use 3 SPI in reiceive only master mode (each SPI have the same clock). The data comming from the SPI are clocked at 4[MHz]. I need to use DMA to transfer data from the SPI periph...

BRémy.1 by Associate
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Reading flash and sending to UART

Hello,I'm currently struggling to setup flash reading launched from a PC.I've used the example code for simple write and read with HAL from STM32 Cube SW.The example show a reading of an uint32_t after writing a uint64_t.Here is my code:Writing flash...

SSchm.5 by Associate III
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Triggering ADC1 from TIM2 CH2 on stm32F767

Hi guys, I've searched the forum and found a handful of posts with a similar issue but the search doesn't seem to be very good for seeing previous posts... Anyway, I've got a PWM output from TIM2 CH1 (200us perioud, 25% D.C.) and I have another PWM f...

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CDyer.1 by Senior
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LPTIM1 vs TIM6 - low power

According to STM32L052K8 datasheet in table 39 page 72 of this document: timers consume uA/MHz:Peripheral | Range 1 | Range 2 | Range 3 | Low-power sleep and runLPTIM1: 10, 8.5, 6.5, 8TIM6:...

godmode2 by Associate II
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Pin Function Document

Hello,I'm using the NUCLEO-F722ZE EVB.In page 43 of the following document there seems to be a pinout list which specifies the signal name of each pin :

skon.1 by Senior
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