In looking at various LPTIM training documentation it's indicated very clearly that the LPTIMERs have a CNT reset as a function of setting bit 4 of the CR register. As this is an important capability, there seems to be a number of reference document...
I'm using a timer as a 1ms timebase, which is configured right after hitting main, so very early. I use this timebase to implement timeout functionality in my drivers as I prefer to not just use while loops when waiting for something to complete.What...
Hi,What is the jitter value in nS when the ADC is configured for Asynchronous clock mode? consider CPU clock = 170MHZ, adc_hclk = 170MHZ, adc_ker_ck = 170/6 MHZ = 56.67MHZ and ADC clock = 56.67MHZ (PRESC = 0)ST inform in the manual that the jitter i...
I'm using triple interleaved ADCs to fill a buffer (6000*16bits) in circular mode via DMA,and I needed to know when I wanted to read the whole buffer via another DMA request and write it to a second buffer to be processed offline later would I need t...
I'm trying to port some code from a Discovery F7 Board to the dual-core H745 Nucleo board and I'm going to make use of the following peripherals:ADC, DMA, SDMMC, Ethernet and UART. I have this all working on the Discovery board but I'm having trouble...
I'm using STM32F031K6Tx in my design. I have given provision for both UART (PA9/PA10) & SWD (SWDIO/SWCLK) for programming MCU using test fixture in the factory. Either one will be used1) Is BOOT0 (0 = Main Flash Memory; 1 = System Memory) needs to be...
Hi, I am using bno055 with stm32f4 discovery board. I am trying to read chip ıd. HAL_IsDeviceReady function return HAL_OK but I can't read chip ID. Why is that? I tried to write my code or using library. Here is the code and stmstudio's return. (In c...
Nowadays. i debug the uart1 under linux with arm-none-eabi- cross compile.Now i meet a problem,i config uart with 115200 baudrate and 8 databotlen 1 stopbit none parity.use Hsi for SYSCLK APB1 and APB2 CLK BOTH 36MHz. I can receive data from the chip...
First, I would like to know if this code is correct to setup SPI to re-transmit by DMA again. GPIOA->BSRR = (1<<5); // start DMA1->IFCR = 0x0FFFFFFF; // reset status DMA1_Channel3->CCR &= ~( DMA_CCR_EN ); LL_DMA_SetDataLength(DMA1, LL_DMA...