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EMMC64G-W525-X01U is not working with STM32F429ZI.

I am reading Data from 8 ADC- ADS8688 and writing to EMMC64G-W525-X01U with Queue of 100 and Block 512 at 1000 sample/sec. I use below function for data writing and API file is attached below.HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MMC_WriteBlocks(MMC_HandleTypeDef *h...

AH_nt by Associate II
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Resolved! Automated ADC calibration on STM32F4 ?

AN2834 Rev 4, point 4.2.9 Temperature-effect compensation says:One method is be to fully characterize the offset and gain drift and provide a lookup table in memory to correct measurement according to temperature change. This calibration involves add...

pr by Associate III
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Resolved! 'F303 write protection, how does it work?

Reading Embedded Flash memory chapter of RM0316 and can't grab how the write protection is supposed to work.a) 4.3.2 Write protection says:It is activated by configuring the WRP[1:0] option bytesEach other instances where WRP is mentioned says i'ts e...

Resolved! STM32G474RE - I2C always busy flag

I have generated the I2C code using cube-mx. My slave device is I2C based DIGI-POT. when I check with HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady() function - it is always coming busy flag.These below are the Hardware and Firmware checks I have done:HW checks -DIGIPOT i...

mani s by Associate III
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