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STM32F072RbT6 I2C1 not working.

Hello,I am using STMCUBEMX 5.2.1 to initialize the configurations of my STM32F072RBT6. My application requires the use of i2c1 since i2c2 is already occupied on our board by a pressure sensor. However, it seems to me that i2c1 is not working (i.e. th...

YGehl.1 by Associate II
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Hi i am using stm32f746zg nucleo board and i want to establish communication between two CAN modules where CAN1 should transmit and CAN2 should receive the msg but its not happening dont know why ..can anyone help me with the code ..?

here is my codevoid can(void){   CAN_TxHeaderTypeDef TxHeader;   uint32_t TxMailbox;   uint8_t usr_msg[10]={'h','e','l','l','o'};      TxHeader.DLC=2;      TxHeader.RTR= CAN_RTR_DATA ;      TxHeader.IDE= CAN_ID_STD;      TxHeader.StdId= 0x65;   if(HA...

B Vinod by Associate II
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STM32F4xx I2C slave not working

I'm currently trying to setup a STM32F4DISCOVERY Board with the STM32F407VGT6 chip as a I2C slave. Somehow the controller doesn't send any ACK bit after the address was received. I've tried with the General Call function as well.Here is my initialisa...

MBind.1 by Associate
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nucleo-g431kb voltage reference buffer

Hello everyone!I'm want to use the internal reference voltage buffer of the mcu stm32g431kb as input with comparator, but when i checked the reference manual they say VEREFBUF must kept disabled because no VREF+ pin in 32 pin package!!I don't want th...

LLah.1 by Associate II
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I would like to run an arduino nano sketch on STM 32, Only 4 pins are need to define.... please help me to do this.... The code is working perfectly on my circuit, due to arduino nano memory is less, so i am unable to add more leds (ws2812B). Thank you.

/*  Code for Arduino WS2812b-MSGEQ7 Spectrum Analizer.  */#include <FastLED.h>#define NUM_LEDS 70#define COLUMN 7#define ROWS 10#define DATA_PIN 6#define STROBE_PIN 3#define RESET_PIN 2#define BRIGHTNESS 1...

SDamo.1 by Associate II
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How do I configure MCU as an I2C slave device?

Remark : I am asking this question again, since even after trying multiple times on my own, and asking on other platforms, nobody has answered it yet. I can't figure out how am I supposed to configure as slave. So sorry for that. I am not able to del...

KSchr.11 by Associate II
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What "EXTI" stands for ?

Hi AllAbout EXTI :In some stm reference manual about "EXTI" i read some strange things : For example:In STM32f070 Ref. manual "EXTI" stands for " Extended Interrupt/event Controller".In STM32f407 Ref. manual "EXTI" stands for " External Interrupt/eve...

Syous.1 by Associate
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