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Forum Posts

STM32F030 HAL_UART_Transmit problem

Hi,I am trying to receive and trasnmit data with STM32F030C8 mcu, i can receive any data from serial monitor, but when i try to use HAL_UART_Transmit to send data, i can not see anything on serial monitor. Any advise?uint8_t data[25];//this my data b...

er3481 by Senior
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HSI48 and CRS accuracy issue

Hi all, I am using the STM32H755 Nucleo board to test a proof of concept clock recovery solution. I am using the CRS external GPIO sync pin with a 1kHz refclk to synchronise the HSI48, and output the synchronised clock on MCO1. The issue I am having...

MJack.1 by Associate III
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STM32G031J6 stuck in non programmable mode

Hi there, during the development I have accidently flashed (via ST-LINKv2 SWD) two chips (stm32g031j6) with program which sets PA13 as INPUT, PC14 PWM OUTPUT and initiated hardware SPI (pins PA12, PA11, PA1). After flashing this program, chip does no...

Elektrik by Associate II
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