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Boundary scan testing on Discovery board

Hii everyone,I've couple of questions. I'm using Discovery board with STM32F407VG in LQFP100 package. I want to do the boundary scan testing on it. is it possible to do boundary scan testing?is it possible to trace Embedded macro cellis it possible/H...

Rsrma.1 by Associate III
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SPI Protocol Polarity Issue " hspi2.Init.CLKPolarity "

I set up a basic Master-Slave SPI communication interface from the STM32H750VBT to the STM32F7ZET MCUs in only one direction. And in this workspace I set my hspi2.Init.CLKPolarity configuration as SPI_POLARITY_LOW on both sides. And, as far as I know...

SEROL.1 by Associate
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Hi, I am using stm32431. I config LPTIM and call HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start() but return HAL_TIMEOUT and no pulses is count. When I change HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start() function putting 'HAL_OK' to be return forced, the pulses is counted normally, but not i...

GFont.1 by Associate III
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STM32L432KC is not recognized on my computer

Hi,I'm using a STM32L432KC on Windows 10. I installed the ST-LINK driver (009) available on ST website and the ST-LINK utility (004).When I connect the STM32 to my computer , it doesn't appear as a STM32 device but as follows in 'other devices' of th...

JV1 by Associate II
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Hi eveyone, i am using stm32f207zg and i want to do a multi channel conversion with adc1. The input pin are PA5 e PA6. The problem is when i play the program: in particulare using debug i note that adc doesn't conversion as the sequence is defined.

int main(void){ double digital; char Stringa[20];   int x=1,k,j,i=0;RCC_CFGR=RCC_CFGR|0xE000;   //clock divided by 16---->APB2 pheripherals CLK = 1MHz RCC_APB1ENR=RCC_APB1ENR|0x20001;    //abilitazione clock per TIMER2 e USART2 RCC_CR=RCC_CR|0x1;   R...

FCa.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Emulated EEPROM is not erased after flashing new code

It also doesn’t erase after starting new debug session. Is that expected behavior? I am using STM32L476, and I downloaded X-CUBE-EEPROM software package, included it into my project and it works fine. EEPROM content is retained after NVIC_SystemReset...

MGrub.3 by Associate II
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Discontinuous Mode Tip

It may be obvious to the rest of the world, but in order to get the ADC to operate in Discontinuous Mode, you must also select Scan Mode. This was Not obvious to me from either the comments in the HAL or the reference manual. The SCAN bit in CR1 appa...

Ron Koch by Associate II
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STM32F7 usart DMA tx

Hello ; I am trying to test usart DMA on F7 . I only can transmite one time ; when i call usart init again its ok . but i still could not understand why . Could you help please while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */   /* USER CODE BE...

Using UART and I2C on the same pins

Hi, I'm using Nucleo-L432KC board and I've got quite a few devices plugged in to it already. And I need to add another device using UART, but I'm using UART2 for debug output already and I2C1 (which always shares pins with UART1) for a couple i2C dev...

kj.obara by Associate III
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