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Forum Posts

STM32F103C6 never enters interrupt handler and because of that holds SCL low because of RxNE is set, BTF is set and DR hasn't been read after first data byte received, stopping reception, why?.

I'm trying to send some data from master to a slave (the STM32F103C6) with HAL functions, with HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive() -no interrupt mode- the reception works flawlessly but with HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT() -the one needed- the slave acknowledges its ...

VRami.1 by Associate III
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STM32F103C, I2C_ErrorCode 4 with MPU6050

Hello,I setup i2c1 as per below. I am trying to get data from a MPU6050 device on I2C but I got error code 4.On the same hardware I tested using Arduino IDE and I can read data from MPU without problems.Can one support please guide me where should I ...

CSand by Associate III
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Setting register to restart counter

Hi, I have never work with register. I need to restart counter of LPTIM in stm32l431. The documentation says that I need to set a register to '1'. The image explain this. How I can do that? Thank's a lot.

GFont.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H743 USART DMA and DCache

Hi,I am trying to enable DCache on a USART Tx DMA snippet, which causes USART Tx to fail.The impression that I have is that the MCU has already written to physical memory and the DMA should have no trouble in accessing the written memory ?Can someone...

Using stm32(Bluepill) as ADC

Hello guys, I am working on a acoustic source localization project. I need to sample the amplified signal from Hydrophone. The acoustic source emits a sound frequency of 42khz. I need to sample this signal at a frequency of 100Khz or even 200khz(if p...

Tsai.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Mcu dies

Hello,​Which mcu products are ​provided as dies or wafer?​Thanks​

Ohara.1 by Associate II
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STM32 communication with a display via I2C over DMA

Hi Everyone,My problem relates to I2C communication when trying to send bytes to a display on address 0x78. First I tried with the plain I2C HAL function(blocking), but I realised that the MCU gets frozen because of the huge amount of data to be sent...

DJuko.1 by Associate
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Stm32F407 Clock Configuration Issue

Hi, I am working on my Stm32F407 Discovery Board. I use CMSIS when I codding and I have some problems with PLLCFGR register. I want to using 168 mhz clock speed. This is my Clock Configuration code and I get problem in PLLM configuration in PLLCFGR r...

RGokm.1 by Associate II
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STM32H7 I2C DMA ll, just sending once

Hey guys, I am trying to get I2C working with DMA or without, but I am having similar issues with both. The I2C sends out the data correctly the first time via DMA and the DMA_TC interrupt is called, however it gets never called again. I can also see...

Mfail.1 by Associate II
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