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Forum Posts

Timing problem with Blink Program - Nucleo L476RG

I created a minimal custom Nucleo L476RG board. There is no 8 MHz crystal on the board and only a 32.768 KHz crystal. I connected an LED to PA_5 pin and trying to test the Mbed blinky program. I upload codes to the custom board via SWD connection fro...

SSaha.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! What is better "Direct Resistor access or using Library"

Hi all,from last 8 yrs i am writing programs for microcontrollers (mostly project on microchip, st) 8 bit/ 32 bit.i always write programs by writing directly to the registers. i never used any library like SPL, HAL, LL doesn't matter how long the cod...

sanju by Senior
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Resolved! FDCAN not receiving any messages (no ACK?)

Dear all, I am working on FDCAN with Nucleo STM32G474RE. And I cannot receive any messages...Unfortunately I cannot find any examples for this board.I am able to send messages from the board and receive it on PCAN tool.Unfortunately when I send messa...

csdominik by Associate III
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Resolved! SDRAM over writing problem

I'm using DISCO Board STM32F769I and use SDRAM in my application applicationi note that when i write data more than 1023Byte the data is written in the next bytes as expected and also over write from the start of SDRAM (0xC0000000)if there is any con...

GMoha.1 by Associate II
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Operating SD Card at 1.8V directly

This post: seems to imply that newer SD cards can operate directly at 1.8V with no translation to 3.3V. Can anyone confirm if STM32H743 supports this?If so, does t...

Timer registers to be updated simultaneously

Hi,I am using STM32G474 with TIM1, TIM8 and TIM20 and working with STM32CubeIDE.I want to updatethe ARR, CCR1, CCR2 and CCR3 regs at the same time. I taught that with the preload register it can be done but it doesn't work for me.So how can I do to s...

DKuro.1 by Associate III
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F429 - DMA - Memory to Peripheral Broken!

Hi All,I am having trouble with DMA transfers using a F429.I am using DMA1, Channel2, Stream6 - regulated by TIM4 Updates.It is a memory to perpheral, 32 bit, single transfer, double buffer Off - from Flash (AHB3) to GPIOG (AHB1).However, it breaks o...

PSPF by Associate II
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