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Hi clive I have interfaced UART DATA device(sender) and NUCLEOF401RE(receiver) I have set the proper BAUD RATE 115200I am using UART-1 to receive dataI generated the code in the IDE and first tested for transmit functionality and it works fineI took ...
Hi TeamI have a DEVICE that provides me data via UART so i initially thought i can receive teh data to aurdino and send from arduino to STM32H7B3I-DKHowever i feel its not convinent to do this I want to connect the UART device that sends the data and...
Hi Team  I am plannimng to connect the arduino and and STM32H7B3I-DK (MB1332B)I see that in the document USART4_TX PH13 D1 and USART3_RX PB11 D0I am getting confused how RX is on USART 3 and TX is on USART 4.
Hi Team I am trying to interface ARDUINO ans STM32H7B31 I have both boards and i have studied the document that says the arduino connections CN10 CN11 CN19 CN20I hope it need and interface/shield to to connect as both the boards have the female conn...
Hi Team I am using STM32H7B31-DKI want to use display that is on the board and show my print messages on the screen I see that i want an application code that helps me to send the print messages data to the LCD on the board i see that there is nothin...