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Resolved! STM32F410 Bat voltage measurement consumption

Hi everyone,I was just wondering if measuring VBat in continuous will drain the battery faster ? And how fast ?Unfortunately, I don't have tools that should be able to measure such a low current.I use the STM32F410CB in my project. I use the adc1 (th...

RSchl.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F407 _ Packet transfer

Hi Team,How to transfer huge data through UART interface , is it any method or procedure to achieve. Brief description: Quectel module is been used, data of 80kb transported from AWS server to Quectel module.We need to identify the fastest and effici...

SS_135 by Associate II
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stm32f446re nucleo board bit band ALIAS range

I have few doubts as follows:1. Each MEMORY MAPPED ADDRESS is how many bytes wide? 1 or 4 bytes (I think it as 1 byte).2. The ST datasheet for stm446xx says the SRAM is of 128Kb size then,start and end addresss is 0x20000000 to 0x2001FFFF but, bit ba...

Disha by Associate II
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How to write protect STM32L4RZI internal flash

Hi!I'm trying to lock internal flash on STM32L4RZI  MCU from writing, to disallow software to write on itself.I use ST-Link utility, and when I lock at least one sector(In option bytes window), The flash is erased and then lock the wanted sector. I t...

SReef.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Pin definitions on H7 MCU

On PIN/BALL defintion table of H7 MCU datasheet, these are a lot of alternate function pin names, such as TIM15_BKIN, TIM15_CH1N. Where can I find the detail describtions for these pin names?

JZou.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to write data into board flash memory?

As I am trying to write the data into board flash memory, Is ther any example code to write the 64bytes of data into board flash memory.I have tried the below shared code but its not showing the result I want.flashAddress = 0x08040000void Write_Flash...

NPash.1 by Associate II
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