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Hi all, how are you?. I'm making a project with an STM32F401VE and I've updated the IDE, after that there are about ten dependencies that says something related to inknown dependencies and the .ioc project doesn't opens. I read some over there and so...
Hi all, I've recently been teached about how to manage streamed data in this case for managing commands, then my code is like the following explanation: I've programmed the uart2 to receive the streamed data byte to byte and I've been storing it in a...
Hi all, how are you?, I'm adapting some libraries for nextion HMI's to use with STM32F4 MCUs, then one of them uses the MCU timer which in my case is systick to determine if time has expired, the function is the following/* * Receive string data. *...
Hi all, how are you?. I'm doing a program where I need to send several separated messages over the serial port using the UART 1 of a STM32F401VE after receiven a specific message through the serial port too, right now I'm capable of send the first rs...
Hi all, how are you?. I'm doing a project with a STM32F103C6 (it has 32KB flash) and I had to activate optimization options to not run out of memory, right now the optimization options is -Og. After activate optimization a function that I have to kn...
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