Hi here,I have made a prototype with STM32L476RG on Nucleo-board - MCU are doing some task and go to standby mode with wakeup from RTC (1 Hz counter). The code was migrated into my own board with STM32L476RC - RTC doesn't work correctly - MCU goes to...
STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.2.0\Projects\NUCLEO-G431RB\Examples_LL\TIM\TIM_PWMOutputThis project runs fine. However, it uses TIM2. I tried to port to TIM1 so I could be interrupted every 10 periods, rather than have to count them in an ...
I am reading Data from 8 ADC- ADS8688 and writing to EMMC64G-W525-X01U with Queue of 100 and Block 512 at 1000 sample/sec. I use below function for data writing and API file is attached below.HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_MMC_WriteBlocks(MMC_HandleTypeDef *h...
1) I have configured PG8 gpio as external interrupt mode.2) When i am writing data using I2C3 , EXTI9_5_IRQ Handler is getting trigger,but their is no activity in PG8 pin. What is the reason for this problem.I2C3 GPIOs. PC9 -> SDA PA8 -> SCL
AN2834 Rev 4, point 4.2.9 Temperature-effect compensation says:One method is be to fully characterize the offset and gain drift and provide a lookup table in memory to correct measurement according to temperature change. This calibration involves add...
Reading Embedded Flash memory chapter of RM0316 and can't grab how the write protection is supposed to work.a) 4.3.2 Write protection says:It is activated by configuring the WRP[1:0] option bytesEach other instances where WRP is mentioned says i'ts e...
I have generated the I2C code using cube-mx. My slave device is I2C based DIGI-POT. when I check with HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady() function - it is always coming busy flag.These below are the Hardware and Firmware checks I have done:HW checks -DIGIPOT i...