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Forum Posts

STM32L031K6 - How to Store Variables in EEPROM?

Hello!I am new in STM32, forgot my stupid question...How can i store a variable in EEPROM or flash?I have a STM32L031K6 Nucleo board, and got my CC1101-868MHZ transceiver with interrupts to work.I receive a unique address over RF, and want to store t...

Sany by Associate III
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STM32L072 not receiving UART1 interrupt in Stop Mode

Hello all,I want to use STM32L072 in Stop mode. But, it should receive interrupt UART interrupt while being in the stop mode. It is not receiving UART interrupt while being in the stop mode. Can anyone please explain the reason and the ways to solve ...

Resolved! [Solved]Problem with Usart Irq

Hi at all,Sometime happens that usart2 irq freeze and HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback isn't called.From this moment I can send data (I use blocking instruction HAL_UART_Transmit), but don't receive any.When this happens, HAL_UART_ErrorCallback don't called t...

SDall.11 by Associate III
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HEY I am having stm32f767zi. As datasheet has mentioned it has 216MHZ CLOCK. NOW PCLK1 is 54Mhz max. So stm32cubemx has 3 option for i2c. SYSCLK , HCLK AND PCLK1. By default stm32cubemx selected pclk1 for i2c which is 54mhz. so can i use sysclk for i...