User Activity

I Want To avoid Cross talk in PCB I want to know how to find the Rise time & frequency of the Signal?& Where I can Get the Spice model of the Micro Controller(* In my case, I am using STM32L4R9ZT6)
Hi I have doubt in MIPI_DSII Have only one lane but my Display has 4 lanes I don't know how to connect them bothPlease help me to interface the display with MCUor Else, please suggest to me some OLED display to interface with this MCU(MIPI-DSI)
I want to use the OTA function in STM32G081rb using GSM Please share with me the link which is related to that, tell me what are hardware changes need to be done for that OTA functionality.
I try to enable the External crystal for RTC in STMCUBEMX but I am unable to select the external crystal in STMCUBEMX .Kindly anyone help me to solve to solve this issues.
I tried to receive hex data from my pc terminal to my stm32 but it was not receiving it properly Kindly help me how to Receive the hex value from the PC terminal.