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Forum Posts

Hello group. I'm working on a project with stm32-f412zg mcu board and having some trouble in configuring multiple timers using FreeRTOS for stm32-f412zg to control ws2812b led strips. I really need help in implementing it to complete the project. Any help

We are using WS2812b LEDs for output signals. We are able to configure multiple timers simultaneously but the colors are not what we trying to give signal to the WS2812b LEDs. With individual LEDs everything is fine and we are controlling it as we wa...

KVinc.2 by Associate
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Resolved! UART Transmission error (to computer using FTDI board )

I'm trying to UART Transmission to computer using FTDI board with below [Environmets.]But it have a [problems] like below..Please, let me know the reasons and solutions..:sad_but_relieved_face: [Environments​]MCU : STM32L432 Nucleo-32 boardFTDI Board...

JShim.1 by Associate
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Resolved! stm32 USART2 issue

Hi , My USART1 works fine when i send a character and i recieve a character in comport , but i need to also configure USART2 ,i have configured the apb1 register and also apb2enr for the GPIOA clock enable ,i know for the fact that the clock on apb1 ...

Oahme.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F407 DMA and ADC bare metal

HiI am trying to get my ADC measurements of the interal chip temperature and data transfer to a global variable via DMA working properly. The ADC1 is triggered every second via timer 4. Configuration is stream0, channel channel 0. I do get several er...

AAnth.1 by Senior
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Resolved! I cant access ADC values from DMA buffer into any other variable in while loop. DMA buffer have values in it but not going into other variable. Can anyone tell me where im wrong????

/* USER CODE BEGIN Header *//** ****************************************************************************** * @file      : main.c * @brief     : Main program body ****************************************************************************** * @at...
