User Activity

Hello ST Microelectronics community,I'm using a STM32H743ZI and I'm currently working on configurating properly the different I/O I want to use.To do so I need to set the set the pull up/down, open drain,etc. And also the speed mode.I could not find ...
Hello,I am having troubles changing boot1 address in Option Byte in FlashI want to change boot1 address, allowing me to launch either in bootloader mode (system memory) or usercode mode(flash) without using a jump.I am currently testing on the STM32H...
Hello ST Community,I'm planning to use the USB communication with a STM32H743ZI. Then, I will have to use an external power supply, since it doesn't have VDD50USB input. Furtherore, I will power this MCU with a 3.3Vcc. power supply.However, I read in...
Hello ST Team,I developped a USB OTG FS in CDC class, using advices from ST's tutorials in Youtube and I managed to send data received from the USB reception buffer to another one I want to use for I2C communication.However, when I enable the I2C1 an...
Hello ST Team,I'm currently studiing how to manage the I2C communication on the STM32H743-EVAL2. To do so, I used the STM32CubeIDE to find an example to see how it shall work properly and I downloaded the code of "I2C_EEPROM_fast_mode_plus", which wa...