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Something wrong in program using STM32F103 ADC.

Dear readerI hope someone can help me with my question. I have programmed an ADC1 on a STM32F103 with the following functions activated:Continues conversion modeScan mode with two channels A0 And A1 DMA to an array in memory ADC_data[2]( ADC Interrup...

WOGoos by Associate II
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Resolved! Example for using DAC on STM32

Hello,I'm working with the NUCLEO-F722ZE EVB on STM32CubeIDE.I'm Looking for a C example that explains how to use the device's DAC (Digital to Analog Converter)

skon.1 by Senior
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Why (stm32 discovery) pins are resetting ?

When i use iar embeded workbench its work correctly with out f11 .While it works by itself , its pins are resetting.I want to learn what happening here .Even power is enough.Model : stm32f429COD:CONTROLREAD LDR R0, =USART2_DR         LDR R1, [R...

YAY.1 by Senior
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stm32h743 random hard fault while reading flash

Hi everyone!i have a custom board with h743vit6 on it when i'm trying to access flash like this:cell_data = * (__I uint32_t *) address;i'm getting random hard faults from time to timeat first everything works fine, but after hard fault happens once, ...

FMC example address confusion

Hi, I've been wanting to understand the reason for WRITE_READ_ADDR offset address used in example codes, below is the snippet, to give some idea what I am talking why 0x0800 ? #define WRITE_READ_ADDR ((uint32_t)0x0800)     for (uwIndex...

Maximum Stable PWM Speed on STM32H7

Hi all,I'm using a 480 MHz STM32H753 uC for a graphics project, and I'm trying to use a very fast PWM signal. I can achieve a 5 MHz square wave that is relatively clean, but when I up that to 10 MHz it's clear that the rise/fall times are too long, a...

SWill.3 by Associate II
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