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Resolved! STM32F030C6 wih external oscillator (HSE)

I am trying to understand how to setup the microcontroller (STM32F030 in this case) to use external oscillator. I am using blinking LED as a test to see if the code is running. To setup the HSE I did following:selected Crystal/Ceramic Resonator in Hi...

BJerk.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H743 IWDG continuously reset MCU

Strange behavior of STM32H743. It continuously reset every few seconds.I check reset reason with this part of code after system startup:if (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_IWDG1RST)) { _PRINTF("RESET_CAUSE_INDEPENDENT_WATCHDOG_RESET\n"); } else...

STM32F769NI: UARTs do not connect in bootloader mode

Hi,I am asking for some sound technical help on the STM32F769NI BootloaderI am using an STM32F769NI MCU and wish to update the firmware using STs' Bootloader mode via the UART.I am running into problems that none of the UARTs on Pins PA9/PA10, PB10/P...

gps by Associate II
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ADC digital reading

Hello,I'm using the NUCLEO-F722ZE EVB.Page 155 of the datasheet describes the ADCs characteristics: the NUCLEO-F722ZE schematics I see that VDDA as well as VREF+ are 3.3V. VREF- is zero vol...

skon.1 by Senior
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Are the USART*_TX pins configured as push-pull outputs when in system memory mode from the beginning or only after selection of the USART interface (0x7F received)?

Hi,AN2606 (STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode) states e.g. for the STM32F301, that in system memory boot mode both USART_TX pins (USART1_TX & USART2_TX) are used as outputs. Is the TX pins really configured as outputs as soon as the system...