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Forum Posts

MCU working issue.

I am using STM32F439ZGT6.I have flashed the code to this controller. After flashing the code when I restart (power off and power on ) the MCU first time, that time unit is working absolute fine but if I power off and power on the unit, that time I am...

GAGGA.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Behaviour of STM32H743 general purpose timer

Hello,I'm using TIM2 on STM32H743 (Nucleo, rev Y, Keil 5.31).Just before setting the bit TIM_CR1_EN the setting of the timer is the following:DIER : bit UIE setPSC: expected value (0x4E1F)ARR expected value (0x4E20). it is almost the same as PSC but ...

Gpeti by Senior II
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Time is very slow in external mode

I have a little problem with external mode and I didn't know if it's nortmal or just a lack of setting from myself. I use F429 with 5.4 version and R2018bWhen I run my soft on STM32, the time is passing good (I see it with my CAN_message coming from ...

TGIRA.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F030C6 wih external oscillator (HSE)

I am trying to understand how to setup the microcontroller (STM32F030 in this case) to use external oscillator. I am using blinking LED as a test to see if the code is running. To setup the HSE I did following:selected Crystal/Ceramic Resonator in Hi...

BJerk.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H743 IWDG continuously reset MCU

Strange behavior of STM32H743. It continuously reset every few seconds.I check reset reason with this part of code after system startup:if (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_IWDG1RST)) { _PRINTF("RESET_CAUSE_INDEPENDENT_WATCHDOG_RESET\n"); } else...