I am trying to debug the STM32H755 within CUBEIDE but the current segger J-link drivers say that core is not supported. The segger website lists it as supported and it works without issues in their debuggers.I am wondering if there is a workaround or...
I am trying to test a CustomHID from the STMCubeMX code and the project does not seem to work as intended.When I use the HID Standalone example for the STMH735G Dev Kit the project works as intended however when I try to set it up with the CustomHID ...
Hello,I am looking at the documentation for spread spectrum clock generation and I can't see how or where it should be implemented.Any help or pointing towards the documentation that will explain it would be appreciated.Thanks
I resolved the issue,the project with the default descriptor does not actually set anything up.I followed this video for setting up the USB device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JGRt3BFYrM&ab_channel=STMicroelectronics
Hi Imen,The clocks are identical to the ready to use application and my application.I increased the heap size to 0x1000 as suggested and this still did not resolve the issue.still receive code error 10 when attempting the CDC example for AzureRtosI g...
Sorry typo,I have looked at that, I found this https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkZ9p/need-help-setting-up-and-enabling-spread-spectrum-clock-on-stm32f405which should give me a starting point.