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Uart DMA RX problem

Hi there !I use uart with DMA for receive data from (right now) pc and STM32F051 discovery board, everythingh work bettere if i send all data, but if i send less data stop the work . Let me explain i need the send 180 bytes from pc to discovery boa...

SGian.1 by Senior
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We are using this ic STM32F103VET6 and Oscillation of 8 MHz Crystal with through capacitor of 22pf i am not getting the Oscillation from the microcontroller ?

We have two same design Board, one is fabricated in last year, another one is this year fabricated boards and i loaded same code for both boards.Achivally this year what i fabricated with little changes on the Connector side and we are used buffer ic...

SMudi.1 by Associate
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CAN mystery. Receiving messages but not able to send

Hi.I have a program that sometimes fails to send data on CAN but still receives them correctly.This is on an STM32L462 using 1.4.2 IDE and latest API.For some unknown reasons, at one moment, out mailboxes never empty. It can be anytime from right upo...

STM32H745 Maximal performance configuration

I'm working in a project that involve a thermal camera image processing.I need to process a buffer of 384*288 (16bits) in fastest way possible.I'm using the 480Mhz VCO template to set the procesor in 400Mhz (Cache enabled).I already did some code op...

Jvela.11 by Associate II
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STM32F413 - Delay at the end of UART transmit

Hello,I am encountering an issue with the STM32F413 MCU: when transmitting data over UART, there is a short delay between the stop bit of one byte and the start bit of the next byte when transmitting data one byte at a time. I compared the behavior o...

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Resolved! q15 fixed point 1.15 9.7 etc

HelloI was wondering about nubering in q15 fixed pointI am guessing that in 1.15, 1 (msb) is responsible for sign and 15 bits are for magnitude(I could be wrong)However what does 9.7 mean ? does it mean 9 bits are for whole numbers and 7 bits represe...

hashtala by Associate II
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