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Forum Posts

Porting spi emulator to stm32f429

Hello everyone.I want to port SPI emulator library in master mode which is originally write for STM32F401RE-Nucleo to stm32f429. In application note AN4678 it says in order to make clock for we use TIM1 channel1 and channel2. In discovering the code...

STM32F7 use internal SRAM as data buffer

Hi everyone, I am new stm32 platform. Is there anyone can point me about using the STM32F7 internal SRAM code. Most if the example code is using the external SRAM. In my case, I am using the internal SRAM so I change the starting address to 0x2001 0...

SKold.1 by Associate
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Trying to get RTC running on a Nucleo-F413ZH

I’m very much still learning the STM32 and all my work so far starts with examples. I can get the ST provided RTC example STM32F413ZH-Nucleo -> Examples -> RTC -> RTC_Calendar running and it seems to work fine. But when I put the code from that examp...

magene by Senior II
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Resolved! (STM32H743Zit6 Dev. Board) Generate Bin file from zero address?? Need to generate bin file at start address 0x08000000

Hi, I am using STM32H743Zit6 Dev. Board. while hex file file generation , program code is in 0x08000000 and upload it works fine.when i want to generate bin file, so i use the following steps. Bin file generate is successful but program code is...

COM Port Terminal Debug Gone in Windows 10

(After installing the virtual com port, cannot access)(Current visual with the recognized STM32 link Ukeil and other tools recognize)I used to see com ports via the device manager in windows 10. I've installed the Link 009 drivers for stm32 boards an...

0693W000005AG0gQAG.png 0693W000005AG10QAG.png
ABeau.1 by Associate
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Clocked Data receive with SPI or USART?

Hi Guys,I have an F7 and want to read in a data stream. Transfer is synchronous, constantly on and data rate is about 2kBaud. 1 Frame consist of 64 bits, in which i have to find a pattern for the start. I want to use a DMA with maybe 128 bit transfer...

nico by Associate II
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Resolved! How to disable the M4 core on the STM32H745?

We have to write firmware for a STM32H745. It was not our decision to use a dual-core version and we are pretty sure that a single M7 core will easily do the trick, so the next iteration of the PCB will contain a single core variant. Now we would lik...

cm0x4d by Associate III
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Try ST evaluation boards remotely!

Hi all!I'm an embedded developer with 15+ years of experience. And now I am working on a project that seems to be useful for developers like me. But there is a great lack of feedback. I'm asking for help from the professional community.What is it: a ...