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trying to install ST-Link-server with STM32CubeIDE and by itself, I get: Windows Installer msiexec /i "C:\...\st-link-server" and this pops upThe installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can ac...
I am running 1.4.0 on a VM on a windows10 machine and trying to work with "Nucleo-L433RC-P". The error is not totally consistent. Sometimes it allows one breakpoint to be hit, sometimes it complains about the only breakpoint and stops (one time only...
EE designed the board with both pins in use and both needing to wake up from STOP2. At start PA5 must be used to awake. Once awake, switch interrupt to PB5 for normal processing. When normal processing is done, switch back to PA5 and enter STOP2. ...
Running STM32CubeIDE 1.5.1 with Nucleo-stm32L433RC trying to get LPTIM1 to work consistently. In Selective03.png I show the initialization of the LPTIM1 (LPTIM_PERIOD is 32767 and LPTIM_PULSE is 16383). So I expect CompareMatchCallback() to happen...
Added folder Drivers/BSP. Added file stm32f4xx_nucleo.h to the new directory. Added it to the include path. I even copied the file to Core/Inc. Still "no such file". Why is it missing?