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HCI_GetWirelessFwInfo seems to return the wrong VersionReleaseType. The result I get is type 0x02, that according to shci.h is: INFO_STACK_TYPE_BLE_HCI. Which should mean that the BLE stack currently flashed it the HCI only layer. But everything indi...
There doesn't seem to be any project in the whole STM32CubeWB package that uses the HSE with PLL. At least I couldn't find any with a .IOC file. Most samples in the package use the MSI clock, except, of course, for the wireless projects that use HSE ...
I found that STM32F4 timers might count incorrectly until first update event if using a prescaler. I can consistently reproduce this with multiple general purpose timers in a least two different STM32F4 variants, a STMF32407 and a STM32F429.Is this a...
The documentation notes that FT pins are not 5V tolerant when the output is enabled because that would produce a direct short cut between VDD and 5V.But what happens when there is an external 5V pullup? Is it ok to use push-pull (not open drain) outp...