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Forum Posts

Hi, I am working on Nucleo -L073RZ board for IAP ymodem , referred the IAP example provided by stm for stm32L073 eval board and created the same for the nucleo board and tested .I have ported all the files and it compiled with zero errors .

The nucleo ported project doesn't work , i cant understand what could be the issue . I keep getting verification failed error , HAL_TIMEOUT .The download timeout is 10000U ,changes made to it (50 seconds) how does this impact the code, will it wai...

svii by Associate III
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HAL CDC Transmit dropping and duplicating data

I have an issue where CDC transmission from an STM32L4 is dropping or duplicating data.Here is a simple test case that runs from main.c extern USBD_HandleTypeDef hUsbDeviceFS; static uint8_t UserTxBufferFS[100];   void TestSerial() { // connect ...


External Interrupt triggers instantly

Hello, I am using a Nucleo-f401re Board and unfortunately I have serious troubles with External Interrupts. I have two inductive sensors which are supplied by 24V. These sensors shall trigger an external Interrupt when the controller detects a rising...

JBoli.1 by Associate
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Keil halt when compiling STM32H745I-DISCO demo.

This is my first time to use dual core STM32. I try to compile STM32H745I-DISCO demo and project. Keil can pass the compilation of M7 core, but it halt when compiling M4 project in some stm32h7xx_hal_xx.c file. And I found the compiling speed is ver...

ray by Associate II
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