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Forum Posts

STM32F4 Ethernet issue with firmware version V1.25.0

Hello,I ran into a problem with Ethernet using an STM32F407VET6 microcontroller a few weeks ago.That time I have searched this problem and found somebody facing the same issue and conclusion, but I did not found that thread now.So using the latest HA...

VaZso by Associate III
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Resolved! Custom I2C pins on STM32F103

Hello,I would like to implement an I2C master on an STM32F103. It's pretty straightforward to select the IO's using cubeMX and to generate the code, but I don't want to use either of the available pins for I2C (PB7,PB6 or PB9,PB8). I need to use PB5 ...

MDao.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Understanding Flash Operations

Hello,I'm developing on an STM32F207 (datasheet). I am attempting to modify a couple of the internal Flash sectors (the 128kB sectors 10 & 11 to be specific). I'm trying to figure out how to do this in a way that will not block the CPU. Let's say I'm...

Anvi by Associate III
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STM32F446RE: can't call function in RAM

If I try to put a method in the .data section using the below code, the microcontroller hangs when I try to call it. Is it a wrong way?(When I check in the disassembly it appears indeed in the RAM)__attribute__((long_call, section(".data"))) void my_...