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BRR of STM32F401RCT6 changed when hot swapping

When the USART is  hot swapping,some datas will occur on TX RX pin;and the value of BRR register will be changed;the picture 1 shows the BRR before  hot swapping;and the picture 2 shows the BRR after  hot swapping. Why this question happens?And what...

Pzhu.1 by Associate II
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SPI1_NSS conflicts with PA15 in STM32F103

Hi,According to datasheet, The main function of PA15 is JTDI, so I disabled JTAG and config that pin in AF_PP mode.Then if I don't initialize SPI1, I can control PA15 as GPIO. But if I initialize SPI1, this pin will hold high. Since SPI1 has occupied...

Sni.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Question on STO_ acronym in ST code

In trying to understand some motor control code in the ST Library I've come across some procedure names with STO_ as a prefix. Simple question what does the acronym STO mean?

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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Having Trouble with SD DMA on STM32L452 MCU

Hello. So like title says I am having trouble making SDMMC work with DMA in 4 bit mode. I tried with FreeRTOS and without FreeRTOS didnt get anyresult. But it works perfectly without DMAIt gives either Rx Overrun error or timeout error. I tried it wi...

KKurt.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L073CZ in full production?

We are intending to design in this MCU. Does ST have a website that would indicate where this part is in its lifespan? I can only see that it is listed as "active".Thanks

RSoen.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F091CCT6: Why my led doesn't blink?

Hi there.I have a board from some equipament which has a STM32F091CCT6 uC, and there are 3 leds, connected to pin GPIO_C13, GPIO_C14 and GPIO_A7. Anode from leds are connected to Vcc and Catode are connected in a resistor and then to the uC pins (so ...

Rick1 by Associate II
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