HI There,I want to access multiple SPI slaves at the same time.They all share the same CLK , the same MOSI pin and the same CS.Therefore, I wrote two code sections which basically should do the same.They kind of work, but they both have the same Prob...
Hi, I want to use USART in interrupt mode in stm32f429 evaluation board.I saw the demo example UART_Hyperterminal_IT, but I didn't understood why they are calling HAL_UART_Receive_IT() function if we are using USART in interrupt mode not in polling m...
AHB1 error
Hello.I'm trying to get I2C working to read BMP280 sensor data. This is code I written so far: GPIOB->CRL |= GPIO_CRL_MODE6; //set PB6 as output with drive strenght to 50Mhz GPIOB->CRL |= GPIO_CRL_CNF6; //set PB6 to open-drain alternate funct...
Hi, I've created a custom keyboard and so far all works good. I've just a problem: I want to use an OK button on the keyboard to copy the text edited to a text area in an other screen. I'm able to go to the other screen but when i do the second part ...
This link provides details regarding White Box Testing: https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/white-box-testing-techniques-with-example/Basically we just want to test the software by conducting a white box unit test. Any input is much appreciated. Than...
Hello. Errata writes interesting things.2.1.7 Flash sector erase issue for sectors 5 to 11DescriptionUnder specific conditions, flash erase issues are observed.The involved sectors are: 5 to 11WorkaroundDo not perform sector erase on sectors 5 to 11....
Hi everyone,I have a problem with implementation CAN protocol on STM32F103C8. I have a blue pill board connected through PA11 (CAN Rx) and PA12 (CAN Tx) to CJMCU-1051 transceiver ( relation between connection: CRX -> PA11, CTX -> PA12). The CANL and ...
Hello thereI am currently working with the stm32f7469-disco card, I accidentally deleted the software inside the st link, I wonder how do I restore it?