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STMStudio GDB source code

Hello all from ST!The STMStudio ships a modified version of an open source software called GDB:As you see from the output above the GDB is licensed under the terms of GPLv3+.The GPLv3+ license require the modified sources to be shared.Could someone p...


"STM32" vs "STM32 Arduino" - I2C difference

Hi, I am trying to debug my code with logic analyzer and see why my code works on "STM32 Arduino", but does not work on "STM32". Viewing at logic analyzer I see that "STM32 Arduino" much more consistent.Why could the message be different "0xD1 0x00" ...

JBond.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Practical DMA transfer speed from MEM to PER?

Hello community,I wrote program that use MEM to PER transfer, HALF WORD mode (16 bit). DMA transfers are clocked by TIM1. MCU is stm32f103c8t6 @ 72Mhz on "Blue Pill" board. As final result I got 16 bit sample values on PORTB at 360kHz speed. It see...

IIvan.12 by Associate II
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RTC running fast on STM32L433

Hi I have setup the RTC on the STM32L433 and the clock is running about 5 second fast in 24 hours. I am using a 32.768KHz crystal, which is directly next to the processor . I have set the RTC->PREDIV_A to 0x 7f, and RTC->PREDIV_A to 0x ff, and selec...

M41T65 to power cycle MCU

Hi - I am fairly new to RTC and Watchdog Timers, so my apologies in advance if the questions seems trivial =) There seems to be some concerns that when used in conjunction with Particle Boron MCU's, simply resetting the MCU will not suffice but Power...

FBass.1 by Associate II
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Selective Breakpoints and Interrupts?

Running STM32CubeIDE 1.5.1 with Nucleo-stm32L433RC trying to get LPTIM1 to work consistently. In Selective03.png I show the initialization of the LPTIM1 (LPTIM_PERIOD is 32767 and LPTIM_PULSE is 16383). So I expect CompareMatchCallback() to happen...

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warm38 by Associate III
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BlueNRG - simultaneously Master&Slave

i want to use a board as master and slave simultaneously.  role= GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE | GAP_CENTRAL_ROLE; now, i am able to establish a connection between a Master&Slave board and a slave board. however, when i want to set the Master&Slave board into ...

ann by Associate II
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PWM outputs not working when Automatic Output State (TIMx_BDTR->AOE) parameter is disabled, even though TIM Break Inputs (TIMx_BDTR->BRKE/BRK2E) are disabled.

I'm trying to setup single-pin, unpiolar PWM Generation outputs on Timers 8, 16 and 17 of my STM32 MCU (STM32F303RBTx). I am using the latest version of STM32CubeMX and the STM32CubeF3 firmware package as of today (Dec 18th 2020) to generate the appr...

Resolved! (SOLVED)Why Nucleo-F103RB acting weird with GPIO Input?

Solution: Just like TDK said, PC13 pin is active high (can be seen below).Original q:Hello everyone,I and a few other friends of mine all ordered Nucleo 64-F103RB board, it comes with 32F103RBTx MCU. We did worked before ST MCU's (like 4-DISCO boards...

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PPatl.1 by Associate
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