2021-02-12 3:03 AM
Hello all!
I am trying to play with the deep sleep mode of the stm32g031f8p6.
Now i am using this:
To sleep:
To wake up:
But this is not enough. This is consuming now 400uA. Is there another sleep mode, or another procedure to reduce the power consumption?
thank you so much!
best regards!
2021-03-01 2:10 AM
Hello @NFahi.1,
You can take a look at the datasheet here section "5.3.5 Supply current characteristics" in order to define which mode you need to use with the needed power consumption.
Best Regards,
Mohamed Aymen.
2021-03-01 2:30 AM
Only with a WFE() or WFI(0 you really enter the sleep mode.
2021-03-12 5:45 AM
Hello @Niko Fabian,
Did you tried my proposal ? Does it work?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Mohamed Aymen.