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Forum Posts

Issue with External addressable flash

Hello folks,I am using a STM32F469i-disco board and trying to read the stored variable from the on-board flash. I did use BSP package to init the QSPI and set it to memory mapped mode. Now, I am facing a weird situation.printf("%x\n", (EXTERNAL[0]));...

SWO on startup

Hello,after POR, but before a "switch to SWD" sequence has been sent to the debug unit, what function is PB3? Is is only "Jtag dataout" are can it alreadt transfer SWO data.

Resolved! STM32G474RE TIM4 Rotary Encoder

Hi,Greetings!I have a Bourns Rotary encoder to PA11(ENCA)/TIM4_CH1 and PA12(ENCB)/TIM4_CH2.Trying to use the encoder as a input control for user input.This is what I am doing:  static...
