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Forum Posts

Resolved! Reading from external Flash with QSPI not working.

I am working with STM32F&508-DISCO, which is said to have external Flash of size 16MB connected through QSPI. I am trying to read from it, but it is not working.I tried running this:

KMaen by Associate III
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Can ADC1 analog watchdog trigger TIM8?

Is it possible for any of the analog watchdogs of ADC1 to be used to trigger TIM8? I would like to stop a PWM generated using TIM8 when an ADC1 conversion crosses a threshold. Table 251, Interconnect to the tim_etr input multiplexer seems to indicate...

galens by Associate II
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STM32F412 clock config issue

I made a custom board with an STM32F412RE chip and I can program it, and step through my code, but when I try to initialize my system clock I get stuck in a while loop that times out that I don't think should.[Here]( is my...

ABuja.1 by Associate II
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