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Resolved! an IAR message

hiI work with IAR application (Ver:8.4) for debugging and programming. Sometimes when I am in debug mode and I try to break and reset micro via iar tool bar, I encounter this message and I am not able to break and I have to reprogram. Could you pleas...

MSm by Associate II
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Hi, I'm new to STM32L4. I'm trying to connect an ADI evaluation board to my STEVAL-STWIN through SPI2. I had to adapt the different functions to the HAL library.

I am trying to read the register of the chip_id, but the function returns a nDevId that is probably wrong. I set STG3692 switch to obtain SPI configuration and I introduce a GPIO_PIN to configure CS. What could be wrong? below the basicsteps of the c...

GLoiz.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F302R8 TImer 6 Clock Speed / Time BAse

HI,So I cannot seem to get the time base that I expect out of Timer 6. I have got timer working wiht the right freqnecy however I cannot seem to get timer 6 to work at the expected freqency. It seems to be running twice as fast to what I set it to.I ...

glenn0010 by Associate III
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I2C repeated start condition to read BME280 problem

Hi,Device: STM32F103C8T6Driver: LL (low layer)It's been days I have struggle reading BME280 which is connected with i2c to my mcu. After configuration, I'm trying to read registers with standard reading procedure as following:Generate Start condition...

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IDavo.1 by Associate II
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ADC to DAC problem

Hi guys, I have a problem with ADC conversion I would say. I put sine wave on ADC input and then I just transfer the value to DAC register, but the negative half of the sine wave is clipped. The code is just this ( Inside HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback):DA...

0693W000006HJO0QAO.jpg 0693W000006HJNvQAO.jpg
binarybee by Associate III
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There seems to be a difference between the system clock immediately after the firmware update and the system clock after the reset (or after power off->on).

Hello. I am using stm32f765 series mcu with iar compiler. A strange thing was caught during development and I left an inquiry.The problem I'm facing seems to be the difference between the system clock right after the firmware is uploaded and the syst...

YKim.5 by Associate
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Resolved! SPI not working with MISO connected to 3V and 0V

I am trying to code SPI functionality to connect with an external 16-bit ADC. The STM32 only receives data from the ADC, so only a MISO and SCLK line, along with a Conversion/CS line is required. I am currently using the 32F072BDISCOVERY board to te...

JAlle.2 by Associate II
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